Liz Trejo new bookingsite www.liztrejo,com or txt...... 619-933-2671

  • CA License #: 19363
  • CA License #: KK195797
  • 75

To Book my schedule is found on Client Care, health and well being come first!


'Liz Trejo Licensed Cosmetologist & State and Board Certified Massage Therapist. & Certified Lymphedema Therapist. Liz Trejo Licensed Cosmetologist & State and Board Certified Massage Therapist.

Located at Peak Performance Holistic Therapies in Ocean Beach, California. Bringing you over 27 years of experience in the beauty health and wellness industry. Liz has been offering a full range of services; facials, waxing, spray tanning, s...


'Liz Trejo Licensed Cosmetologist & State and Board Certified Massage Therapist. & Certified Lymphedema Therapist. Liz Trejo Licensed Cosmetologist & State and Board Certified Massage Therapist.

Located at Peak Performance Holistic Therapies in Ocean Beach, California. Bringing you over 27 years of experience in the beauty health and wellness industry. Liz has been offering a full range of services; facials, waxing, spray tanning, skincare, spa body, chemical peels, microdermabrasion.

Massage: Relaxation, Pregnancy, Blending many therapies from Myofascial release, Trigger point, Thai Techinues, Reflexology, Energy work & Deep/structural bodywork. Uniquely Specializing in: TMJ, Lymphatics & Viseral Manipultion. 

Being a beauty, health and wellness therapist is just a job for some, but for Liz the healing art is a calling. dedicated and committed to my clients' health and well being.

Book a massage with me today

My Services

CA # 19363


CA # KK195797


School of Healing Arts

Certified Massage Therapist


Cerritos Community College



Myofascial Release

Specialize in TMJ & TMD passionate about helping with this very painful condition as I also have suffered from TMJ. Working with many patients over the years. I work not only with the face & neck but have a specific protocol I follow working inside the mouth to release and relax muscles that are in distress.


Certified in Lymphatic Drainage - years of experience working with post surgery cancer patients. Assisting the pathways to restore and lessen edema from the dissection of the lymphatic system.


Certified in Onocology massage - Working with Cancer Patients as they move through the treatment plans. Massage can assist in providing the patient much needed comfort , relief and reduce side effects of chemotherapy. My patients have mentioned how massage seems to keep them in touch/grounded with there bodies during treatment. when so many things can feel out of control. It is an honor and privilege to serve my Clients during difficult times.



Certified in administering Chemical peels - experience with Medical grade Peels - dealing with all areas of concern Anti-aging, pigmentation, Acne, Scarring, exfoilation, fine lines, wrinkles, radiance and hydration. I have studied how to determine Treatment protocols & Plans, for all skin types, appropriate selection of Peels for clients individual needs, educating clients on expectations from treatment to results. GMC Medical Certification, PCA Certification, La Rosche Pose' Certification

REVIEWS for my massage services

by Anonymous on Mar 21
Overall a good facial she is just very aggressive compared to what I am used to
by Anonymous on Feb 14
Absolutely amazing Liz! Thank you!
by Theresa on Jan 20
Liz listens and takes extra care with especially sore or achy areas. She has the skills needed to coax those extra tight muscles into a relaxed state.
by Jennifer on Nov 27
Liz has an excellent understanding of muscle anatomy.
by Mary on Sep 24
She knows what techniques to use for the particular ailment
by Anonymous on Sep 23
Liz is the best
by Lou Ann on Jul 07
She explained what she was doing and was excellent.
by Pam on May 27
Suggested brow color at very reasonable price
by Nancy on Apr 07
Her facials are in response to my skin, not just a generic process.
by Pattie on Mar 26
Liz is an incredible massage therapist. She is extremely knowledgeable, methodical and very dedicated to her client. This was the most relaxing and pain relief I've ever experienced. Liz evaluated me first before we even started and then had a plan to resolve my hip and sciatic pain. I greatly appreciate her skills as my issue was resolved at the end of my massage. Thank you Liz for the most wonderful massage. I'll be coming back!!